You said, We have
Find out what you wanted to see changed in your local area and how we helped make it happen.
Resident consultations and estate inspections help us understand issues and make improvements
As a resident, you are the best person to tell us about your local area.
Your feedback has led to improvements in public services, transportation, infrastructure and safety. We appreciate everyone’s involvement and encourage the whole community to get involved.
We will always let you know the outcome of your feedback and ‘You Said, We Have’ is our commitment to this. By sharing your suggestions, you can help to make a positive difference to our communities.
Resident testimonials
Resident feedback has led to improvements in our services both locally and nationally.
Last year, around 39,000 residents got involved with meetings, surveys, emails, and local events to give us their feedback. This will help us deliver more effective problem-solving and improved services.
Below are just a few things some of our resident members have to say on making a difference at Clarion.
“We can help influence change in our communities, as well as nationally”
“I have really enjoyed making sure residents’ voices are heard.”
“We had a very successful scrutiny for 2022/2023 in the Community Trigger and ASB case review”
“Being a member of the scrutiny committee gives you the confidence to suggest change”
“Clarion has collaborated with residents nationally, identifying potential improvements”
Have your say
Discover the many ways you can share your views, get involved with your community and help improve our services.
Gas safety advice
Important information about gas safety, your annual check-up, and dealing with gas leaks.
Residents’ Annual Report
Read about our performance and the work we are doing with residents.