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Resident involvement successes

Find out how residents have helped to improve our services across the country.

Resident involvement impact assessment 2023-2024

Our annual impact assessment, celebrates the powerful influence our residents have on our services and home management each year.

This report highlights how we listen to resident feedback and make meaningful improvements to landlord services, information and communication.

We measure and evaluate the significant impact resident involvement has had, showing both our communities and our stakeholders, the benefits of collaborative working and our dedication to continuous improvement.

Resident involvement can include attending meetings or answering surveys. Working with residents helps us identify and address both national and local issues and concerns.

Read the full report

Resident scrutiny committees

A resident scrutiny committee (RSC) is a group of residents who review housing services to ensure they meet residents’ needs. This helps identify areas for improvement, ensures transparency and supports regulatory standards. The RSC’s input builds trust, improves communication, and improves the quality of Clarion’s services.

London North resident scrutiny committee

Scrutiny topic: How Clarion communicates its Sustainability Strategy to residents

2023/2024 London North Report [PDF]

London South resident scrutiny committee

Scrutiny topic: Service charge misallocation

2023/2024 London South Report [PDF]

East Region resident scrutiny committee

Scrutiny topic: Clarion residents’ involvement in professional memberships

2023/2024 East Region Report [PDF]

North Region resident scrutiny committee

Scrutiny topic: Noise nuisance

2023/2024 North Region Report [PDF]

South Region resident scrutiny committee

Scrutiny topic: Clarion’s Aids and Adaptations service

2023/2024 South Region Report [PDF]

Customer Committee

The Customer Committee is a newly established group of seven residents, and chaired by a resident Board member. The Committee is a formal part of our governance structure, reporting to the Clarion Housing Association Board and forms a vital part of our commitment to ensuring that residents are listened to and services are delivered to the highest standard.

We are proud to have welcomed individuals with invaluable contributions to make, regardless of experience or skill set.

For regular updates on what the Committee are working on, visit:

Our Customer Committee
We are Clarion