Community groups and networks
Local groups are a great way to connect with people while helping to improve services.
Our nationwide community groups help you to have your say and make a difference to communities across the country.
National community groups and networks
- Out & About – supporting LGBTQ+ issues
- Clarion 55 – giving a voice to residents over the age of 55
- Clarion Ability Network – supporting people living with a disability
- National ambassadors – giving a voice to residents aged 18-25
To join a network, or to find out more information, please email our resident involvement team.
I have a real interest in this subject and really enjoy the meetings. To mix something I enjoy with promoting good practice is the best outcome.
Clarion Ability Network
Clarion Ability Network
Clarion Ability Network (CAN) are a group of residents who have experience of the issues that people living with disabilities can face. They provide advice and guidance on Clarion services, communications, and policies.
The group aims to help vulnerable residents and raise awareness of hidden disabilities, like:
- learning difficulties
- dementia
- mental health
- chronic pain
- speech, visual or hearing impairments.
In 2019, CAN's projects included:
- training customer service teams
- developing a vulnerability policy
- helping redesign the Clarion website
- working with Alzheimer’s Society to develop dementia training for staff.
Clarion 55
Clarion 55 (C55) is a national network for residents over the age of 55. It gives them a voice on key issues, like our age-friendly strategy or the Homeshare project. To ensure everyone has a say on our work, we also pair C55 group members with Clarion staff.
Some of the issues C55 has recently looked at include:
- social isolation and loneliness
- physical and mental wellbeing
- age-friendly strategies to allow people of all ages to participate fully in society.
C55 also works with our national ambassadors (aged 18-25) to break down barriers and identify similar experiences that can affect both age groups.
It’s also about improving lives for LGBTQ+ residents and making sure they’re less fearful, especially in their own homes.
Kate Warlow Hughes,
O&A network
Out & About
Out & About (O&A) is a national group that looks at Clarion from an LGBTQ+ perspective. Currently, O&A is recruiting members for an online community panel, as well as working on several projects.
One project will tackle homelessness within the LGBTQ+ community. The other will combat hate crime and involves gathering support resources from organisations, as well as outlining Clarion’s responsibilities as a landlord. Hate crimes in England and Wales increased by 10% in 2018-19, highlighting a need for access to support and guidance.
Find out more about harassment or hate crimes
HouseProud Pledge
In 2019, O&A helped develop the HouseProud Pledge scheme, a joint venture with national housing providers and Surrey University. The scheme challenges housing providers to demonstrate the ways they are supporting LGBTQ+ residents. O&A is aiming for Clarion to achieve Pledge Card Plus status.
National ambassadors
Our national ambassadors are a team of residents aged 18-25 from across the country. Together they share the views of young people on our services, communications, and policies. In return, they get the opportunity to learn new skills and work on their career and personal development, while meeting new people and making friends.
National ambassadors are also able to:
- access training and support
- gain experience in event organising and project management
- develop their teamwork and media skills
- make a difference to community and national services.
Ambassadors are involved with the programme for a year, but many go on to participate in other groups or activities to help further improve services.
In 2019, our ambassadors focused on two main priorities: creating safer, happier communities and improving perceptions of young people, which included delivering a workshop for 100 young people and youth providers from across the country.
Being a national ambassador has been an amazing experience, I’m more confident in my day-to-day life.
national ambassador
I would 100% recommend becoming an ambassador, not only to empower yourself, but other young people too.
national ambassador
Meet national ambassador, Cain
“I grew up in a single-parent family in Penge. Life wasn’t easy and we struggled financially. I got involved in gangs and as part of a programme to escape this lifestyle we moved to west London for a fresh start.
“I was inspired to not only transform my life, but also other young people’s.
“I set up my music business, which includes Grafterboy a record label offering young people who have also come from disadvantaged backgrounds, an opportunity to break into the industry.
“I thought the national ambassador scheme would be a great opportunity, not only for my personal development, but as a way to combine my aspirations with my passion for music.”
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