The campaign inspiring people to help prevent knife crime
There are no simple solutions to ending violence on our streets, but as your landlord Clarion is committed to keeping you and your family safe in our neighbourhoods. That is why we are throwing our support behind Hard Calls Save Lives, a campaign for change featuring a group of mothers who each tragically lost a son to knife crime.
A shocking 73 lives were lost due to knife crime in London last year alone - that’s one every five days. This must stop.
Working together with Crimestoppers - the charity that provides a safe place where people are empowered to speak up and report crime anonymously - the campaign seeks to break down the barriers that prevent people from coming forward with information.
You know your neighbourhood better than anyone and if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. However small or insignificant it may seem, each fragment of information is vital. It can help build up a picture that could solve a wider investigation, or prevent future incidents of violent crime.
This information doesn’t need to be the name of offenders. For example, if there has been a violent incident in your neighbourhood, you may recall things about that day. Small details, such as the time you noticed a vehicle that isn’t from the area, or if you’ve noticed someone acting suspiciously. Whether it’s something first-hand or you heard from someone else, every piece of information counts.
How can I make a report to Crimestoppers?
It can be difficult and daunting to pass on information about crime in your community, but your call could help save lives – you have the power to do something about it. By getting in touch with Crimestoppers:
- Everything you share is guaranteed to be kept strictly anonymous.
- You will not have to share any personal information.
Call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or report online.
You can find out more information about the Hard Calls Save Lives campaign, by visiting the website.
How is Clarion helping to tackle violent crime?
We are reviewing our processes that aim to challenge violence against young people.
We are currently carrying out a review of the way we address incidents of violence against young people (VAYP). This includes looking at:
- How we can strengthen the ways we gather our intelligence and share information with our partners
- Training for staff
- The support and services we offer and any gaps that need filling
- Our response to VAYP incidents.
We will continue to be proactive in our support of the Hard Calls Save Lives campaign
Our housing teams across London are discussing ways we can raise awareness of the campaign in our communities, with a more targeted approach taken in the higher risk areas.
Initiatives for young people

How we’re beating antisocial behaviour
At Clarion we work with residents, the police and local organisations to ensure that everyone who lives in a Clarion home feels safe and secure.
We are committed to challenging antisocial behaviour as a priority and responding where needed. Our activities range from holding community events and consultations, working alongside our neighbourhood and tenancy specialist teams, and partner agencies, where specific action is required.
If you know of any issues in your area and it is not a police matter, you can speak to your local housing management team, report it via our neighbourhood enquiries page, or call the contact centre.
Getting further support
If you, or someone you know, has been affected by knife crime, the following organisations and resources can offer support:
- Victim Support - an independent charity offering free and confidential specialist services to victims affected by crime.
- Prince’s Trust – Provides support and opportunities for young people, particularly those who are moving away from gangs and crime.