Domestic abuse or violence
You have the right to feel safe in your home which is why we take any report of domestic abuse or violence extremely seriously. We can help find you emergency accommodation or provide extra security measures if needed.
As your landlord, we’ll help and support you, and take any action possible against an abuser. This includes working with the police, local councils, charities, and voluntary organisations.
What is domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse often involves violence and physical abuse, but can also include forms of emotional, psychological, financial, and sexual abuse.
It can include sexual assault, threats, humiliation, or any behaviour used to intimidate, harm, punish, or frighten.
Phone 999 in an emergency
Important: if you feel in immediate danger, phone the police on 999.
Identifying abusive behaviour
You are being abused if you feel you have to change your behaviour because you're frightened of how someone will react or treat you.
Abuse can be a single incident or a pattern or behaviour that continues over a period of time.
Domestic abuse doesn’t always involve violence or physical abuse, and often starts with other types of abuse, such as:
- manipulative, coercive, intimidating, or threatening behaviour
- controlling your money
- restricting your contact with friends
- criticising or putting you down
- making you scared to say no.
Domestic abuse most often occurs between people aged 16 or over who are family members or partners, or have been in the past.
It also includes:
- inter-generational abuse between adults and elderly parents
- so-called "honour" crimes
- female genital mutilation
- forced marriage.
Any adult can be a victim of domestic abuse no matter their gender, age, ethnicity, wealth, sexuality, or background.
How to report domestic abuse
Domestic abuse is a crime. If you’re being abused – or suspect someone else is being abused – you should phone the police on 999 when it’s safe to do so.
You can also report abuse to us online or by phoning our customer services team on 0300 500 8000.
Our trained officers are experienced in handling these kinds of situations and one of them will get back to you within 1 working day using your preferred method of contact.
Will everything I say be kept confidential
Yes. Every report of domestic violence or abuse we receive is treated with complete confidence.
We want you to feel as comfortable as possible, so we’ll ask you to tell us the safest ways to contact you. Any interviews or conversations will be carried out in private and, if we need to meet you, we’ll agree a safe location.
We take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. If we’re worried about your immediate safety or welfare, or that of any children or vulnerable adults living with you, we'll ask your permission to alert social services or the police.
Please also note that we do have the right to report our concerns without your permission.
How we help and support you
If you’re at immediate risk, we can help you find emergency accommodation or put you in touch with a refuge.
In the longer term, we can help to remove the abuser from your home or help you move to a different home.
If you’re able to stay in your home after your abuser has left, we can provide additional security measures such as:
- personal alarms
- extra locks
- extra lighting
- a phone with a direct dial number to the police.
We can also refer you to local and national support organisations that can provide you with specialist practical and emotional support.
Other help and support services
As well as the police, you can get help from your local council services, charities, and voluntary organisations.
We also work in partnership with experienced agencies such as Refuge and Women’s Aid. These partnerships mean you can benefit from additional advice, powers, and resources which can help you become safe and bring an end to abuse.
Find your local support services
Enter your postcode to find support services in your area.
Do you have Safeguarding Concerns?
You, along with all of our residents, have the right to live in safety. That means not having to deal with abuse, neglect, or anything else that could harm your personal wellbeing.
Protecting your and your neighbours’ physical, emotional and psychological needs is called safeguarding and our staff are trained to help. They will:
- respond – take action to make sure whoever is in need (you, your neighbour, or a child) is safe
- report – any concerns to their manager straight away, then to social services or the police
- record – any concerns, filling in and submitting a referral to statutory services
- revisit – noting down and sharing updates from the Local Authority Safeguarding Team.
What should I do if I’m worried about someone?
If you are worried about an individual or a child, you can get in touch with your Local Authority Safeguarding Team.
Find your local safeguarding team
You can also get in touch with us. We’ll listen to your concerns and contact the relevant agencies if needed. You can read our safeguarding leaflet for more information.
Call 0300 500 8000. Our phone lines are open from 8:30am – 5pm Monday to Friday (10am-5pm on Wednesdays).
Or use our live chat by clicking on the ‘chat with us’ button at the bottom of this page.
For our full safeguarding policy please visit: www.myclarionhousing.com/about-us/clarion-housing-policies
Phone 999 in an emergency
Important: if you feel in immediate danger, phone the police on 999.
Facts about domestic abuse
Did you know that domestic abuse:
- affects 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men in their lifetime
- leads to, on average, 2 women being murdered each week and 30 men per year
- accounts for 16% of all violent crimes but is still the violent crime least likely to be reported to the police (source: Crime in England and Wales 04/05 report)
- has more repeat victims than any other crime, and that on average there will have been 35 assaults before a victim calls the police
- is the single most quoted reason for becoming homeless (source: Shelter, 2002)
- was the cause behind 769 responses from the 2022/23 Clarion Tenancy Specialist and Triage team.