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A new contractor to provide a specialised Invasive Plants service

We want to improve the safety and appearance of your estate.

We have now issued out the notice of proposal for the proposed new contract with The Grounds Care Group (UK) Ltd to provide specialist Invasive Plant services across Clarion Housing Group.

The proposal document can be downloaded here. Alternatively, we would be happy to send the proposal to you via email or post. To request this please send an email to

Clarion Housing has a duty to have regard to written observations made within the consultation period.

In order to do so, you should send your comments and observations in writing to:

Section 20 Team
Clarion Housing Group
Reed House
Peachman Way

Alternatively you can complete the form below.

Clarion Housing Group requires a suitably qualified Invasive Plants contractor to provide services across its housing stock.

The key considerations when looking for a new contractor are:

  • Ensuring minimal disruption and inconvenience for residents.
  • Contractors will need to comply with all relevant H&S legislation as well as Clarion’s H&S requirements.
  • Contractors will be required to hold the required qualifications

We are legally required to issue formal consultation with our residents on new contracts where the residents may be liable for costs of more than £100 per annum. To ensure that we can recover the full costs of our services we have issued this notice to all residents who have access to a communal area. 

As land owners Clarion have a responsibility to prevent invasive plants on our land spreading into the wild and causing a nuisance and to prevent harmful weeds on our land spreading onto a neighboring property. It is widely known that Japanese knotweed in particular is a growing problem.

You may view the full specification by downloading the document below. Alternatively, we would be happy to send the document to you via email or post. To request this please send an email to

Observation form

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Deadline for observation submission

If you wish to make formal observations they must be in writing and received before 21st March 2022.

You can also email your comments and observations to:

As land owners Clarion have a responsibility to prevent invasive plants on our land spreading into the wild and causing a nuisance and to prevent harmful weeds on our land spreading onto a neighboring property. It is widely known that Japanese knotweed in particular is a growing problem.

Download the full invasive plants specification (pdf).

Alternatively, we would be happy to send the document to you via email or post.

To request this please send an email to

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