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Closeup of hands testing a smoke or CO2 alarm on a ceiling for safety

Fire safety advice

Important information about protecting your home from fire and what to do in the event of an emergency.

What should I do if there’s a fire in my home?

Alert everyone in your home that there is an emergency. Leave quickly, closing your doors behind you. Follow your evacuation plan.

If there is smoke, crawl along the floor where the air will be clearer. Never use the lift in the event of a fire.

Once you’re safely outside, phone 999 for the fire brigade.

Fire door safety and compliance

Fire doors and communal fire doors play a crucial role in preventing the spread of fire and smoke, keeping people safe, and protecting property. Here’s everything you need to know to ensure they function properly and meet safety standards.

Electrical appliance safety

Many people use electrical appliances (like washing machines and tumble dryers) at night, because of cheaper energy tariffs. This shouldn’t be a safety risk however, emergency services tell us that fires at night are more likely to cause serious injury.

Because of this it's important to make regular safety checks on all of your appliances, and take a look at the National Product Recall Register.

Convection heaters

My Portable Convection heaters guidance [PDFs]

Know your building’s evacuation strategy

If you live in a residential block, you should know your building’s evacuation strategy. This is what you do if a fire happens in your building. Everyone who lives in your home should know the evacuation strategy and your quickest, safest route out of the building.

There are two types of evacuation strategy: 'stay put' or 'simultaneous evacuation'. A sign by the front entrance of your block will explain which type of strategy is used in your building. This information is also shared when you move in.

My fire evacuation strategy [PDF]

Fire safety tips

Fire safety is essential for protecting your home, workplace, and loved ones. By staying informed and prepared, you can reduce the risk of fires and respond effectively in case of an emergency. Here are some key fire safety tips to help you stay safe and secure.

Do’s and Don’ts

To help, your family, and neighbours remain safe, we’ve created a handy guide of responsibilities that explain what to do and what to avoid.

If you have any questions, or would like help to better understand the responsibilities, please get in touch with us on 0300 500 8000 or use the button below.

Contact us

Fire safety FAQs