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Parking space

Redwood Close

Opportunity to rent

A parking space

Available from label

Approx £3.50 a week

Redwood Close - parking space

Available parking spaces:

  • Car Space 14
  • Car Space 15
  • Car Space 25

Important information

Priority is given to those who have a Blue Badge. Please include details of your Blue Badge as you register your interest. Please note that you cannot rent a parking space if you have:

  • current or former rent arrears
  • any other outstanding debt issued with a Legal Notice in the last two months
  • had Clarion legal proceedings started against you for other tenancy breaches
  • had your garage repossessed

You must also provide the required documents in your application. These include proof of ownership, current MOT document and insurance documents.

The cost of renting a bay does not include parking enforcement. You can buy a parking permit from our parking enforcement contractor.