Having problems paying?
If you’re having trouble paying your rent, contact us to see how we can help.
Anyone can have problems paying rent from time to time, but with the right support it’s usually possible to find a solution. If necessary, we can agree a payment plan to manage your payments.
Talk to us
If you can’t pay your rent, or you’re having financial difficulties – for example, if you’ve been unable to work or have been made redundant – you should find out how we can help. Similarly, if you’re having problems with universal credit or your benefits, please contact us.
We’ll discuss your financial problems and any rent arrears. You should be as detailed and honest as possible about your situation, so we can offer you the right help and guidance.
Depending on your situation, we may refer you to one of our specialist teams, and we may be able to agree a rent repayment plan.
The simplest way to contact us about rent and financial enquiries is online, but you can also phone our customer services team on 0300 500 8000.
Money guidance
Help with your money including savings, loans and benefits.
How we can help
See the support we offer with jobs, training, and your personal finances.
Rent arrears and evictions
It’s your responsibility to pay your rent on time – even if you’re waiting for your universal credit or benefits. If your rent account is in arrears (which means you owe us money), or you know your benefits are delayed, please contact us. We can help you manage your payments and organise your personal finances.
We only evict tenants as a last resort. Before we reach this stage, we’ll do as much as possible to help and support you. However, if you consistently fail to pay your rent, you do risk losing your home.
You can get advice about rent arrears and evictions from a solicitor, your local council, or an independent body like Citizens Advice.
Changing your payment card
Changing your bank card can be done easily through your online account.
Once logged in to your online account you’ll see your account summary and balance. To change a payment card you must have an amount on the balance.
From there, type in the amount you wish to pay and select the ‘Pay now’ button.
You’ll be taken to the payment options page, where you’ll see a ‘Manage cards’ button at the top.
If you're looking at this web page on your mobile and can't see this button, turn your phone landscape.
After tapping the button you'll be able to see a list of payment cards you’ve previously added.
To select a different one, click on the card you’d like use and tap ‘Confirm’.
Tools for managing your money
Benefits calculator
Find out which benefits you can claim with our simple online benefits calculator.
It’s free to use, takes just a few minutes, and is completely anonymous.
Benefits calculator

Budget planner
The Money Advice Service has a useful online budget planner to help you stay in control of your money. It can help you see what you can afford and how you might be able to save.
It’s simple to complete and anyone can use it.
If you want any help using the budget planner or our benefits calculator, or would like any other financial guidance, please contact our Clarion Futures support team.
I love nothing better than being able to tell someone they’re eligible for more.
financial guidance officer
Meet guidance officer, Geraldine
Geraldine provides proactive support for residents on universal credit. She’s worked at Clarion for three years, after 12 years at Citizens Advice – so has in-depth knowledge of benefits.
Each week, she receives a list of Clarion residents on universal credit to call. Some are new residents, so she’ll check they’ve got everything they need to set up their new home – advising everything from council tax to grants for furnishings.
Or they’re residents who’ve moved on to universal credit due to a change of circumstances – and may need job and training advice, or support getting online.
Whoever she calls, she listens. “There is so much fear of universal credit, so letting people know there is help is so important, especially around council tax – as so many people don’t realise it’s a separate claim.”
“I love nothing better than being able to tell someone they’re eligible for more.”