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Annual rent review 2025

Clarion Housing

Each year, we review our rents in line with national guidelines. How your rent is reviewed depends on your tenancy type and a range of factors, including your property type, property size and the date your tenancy started.

These factors may influence how your rent changes each year and why your rent may differ from others in your neighbourhood.

Below you'll find information about the rent reviews for the period beginning 1 April 2025. These were communicated to residents throughout February 2025. You can also find information about service charges and what to do if you're having problems paying.

If you need to check your tenancy type, please contact us.

Rent reviews 2025

Social rent tenancies

The government's rent policy guidelines, issued in 2020, state that rents can be increased by a measure of inflation called the consumer price index (CPI) plus up to 1%, as long as this does not exceed the maximum formula rent set by the government.

CPI was 1.7% in September 2024, and this would permit social housing rent increases from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 of up to 2.7%.

Clarion Housing Association will increase social rents by up to 2.7%. This increase will help us to maintain our existing homes to a good standard and to build more new affordable homes for people who need them.

Secure rent tenancies

If you have a secure rent tenancy you have a registered fair rent set by the Valuation Office Agency, which is re-registered every two years.

Your rent will be increased by 2.7%.

However, your gross rent (rent and service charges combined) will be capped at the registered fair rent if the increase exceeds the amount set by the Valuation Office Agency.

Affordable rent tenancies

If you have an existing affordable rent tenancy your rent will increase by 2.7% from April 2025.

Shared ownership rents

If you're a shared owner, the amount of rent you'll be charged is based on the share of the property Clarion owns.

Your lease provides for the rent to be increased based on the annual increase in a measure of inflation known as the Retail Price Index plus an additional uplift.

Garage/ parking spaces/ sheds and caravan pitches

The charges for these will increase by 2.7% from April 2025.

Having problems paying your rent?

If you're struggling to pay, please phone us on 0300 500 8000.

It's always best to talk to us as soon as possible if you're having any difficulty. We can talk you through your options and benefits advisers can make sure you're getting the money you're entitled to and advise you on how to apply if you aren't.

Find out more about what to do it you're having problems paying

Our Guideline team also offers free, practical and confidential financial guidance to help you keep on top of your rent and household bills. They can also put you in touch with other services, help you get online, and help with jobs, skills and training.

To find out how we can help you, please contact our Guideline team.

National Fraud Initiative

We're required by law to protect the public funds we administer. We may share information provided to us with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, or where undertaking a public function, in order to prevent and detect fraud.

We regularly participate in the National Fraud Initiative. This is a data matching exercise to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud. Data matching involves comparing computer records held by one body against other computer records held by the same or another body to see how far they match. This is usually personal information.

Find out more in our privacy policy.

Service charges

For more information on service charges, read our FAQs below.

How are my service charges calculated?

Description of Service Charges

Our Description of Service Charges, below, should be able to assist you in understanding the items on your service charge breakdown, but please get in touch if you would like to query the services, or charges stated.