Government guidance means that some banks and building societies are requesting an EWS1 form from leaseholders and shared owners who are applying to staircase (buy a greater share of their property), re-mortgage or sell their property.
What is an EWS1 form and is it relevant to me?
This EWS1 form is a set way for a building owner to confirm to valuers and lenders that an external wall system or attachments, such as a balcony, on buildings containing flats has been assessed by a suitable expert. This is not a legal requirement and owners of blocks do not have to provide them.
As of January 2023, only a small number of lenders are asking for an EWS1 form before they will consider offering a mortgage.
It may relevant to you if you own your home, or are a shared owner who wants to staircase (buy a greater share of your property), re-mortgage, or sell.
Why is this a problem for some people?
In July 2021, the government stated that EWS1 forms would not be needed for buildings under 18 metres, although some lenders (banks and building societies) are continuing to request them.
What is Clarion doing to help?
We recognise that any delay in a mortgage application will be frustrating and we are doing all we can to support people affected. We will provide EWS1 forms wherever we can.
As government guidance has changed over time, the EWS1 assessment process may recommend additional remedial work to more Clarion buildings. If further work is required, Clarion will complete this, prioritising our taller buildings in accordance with risk profile.
If work is needed, will I be charged?
On the 10 January 2022, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) announced:
“No leaseholder living in a building above 11 metres will ever face any costs for fixing dangerous cladding and, working with Members of both Houses, we will pursue statutory protection for leaseholders and nothing will be off the table”. For leaseholders living in buildings below 11 metres, each building will be assessed on a ‘case by case basis’.
The Building Safety Act brought leaseholder protections into force on 28 June 2022 and further information from the government can be found here; this includes a link to their ‘Leaseholder Protections Checker’ where you can check whether these apply to you.
Clarion will not be charging leaseholders for external wall system remediation work, or cladding replacement work. We will be able to confirm this in writing to lenders, upon request.
Can I arrange my own EWS1 assessment?
No, the forms need to be completed by the building owner or person responsible for the structure of the building.
Will every lender require an EWS1 form?
No, each lender will have its own requirements.
If I am affected, who can I contact for further information?
If you have been asked by your lender to provide an EWS1 form, you can contact for more information.