A better deal for your communal energy supply
We need to re-apply to purchase communal energy using the best deals to give you the best value.
We supply the energy for all the communal areas (stairways, outside lighting, shared kitchens, etc.), which is paid for by you as part of your service charge.
We currently buy energy for those areas (and/or the heat network that certain properties may be part of) directly from the energy market. We have been doing this since 2020, when we made an application to the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) (the “Tribunal”) for dispensation from the requirements to comply with a consultation process set out in section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 and the associated Regulations. Dispensation in that application under case reference LON/00BE/LDC/2020/0067 was granted on 2 September 2020, and lasted until 31 March 2024.
We want to continue to buy communal energy supplies in a similar way in future to make sure we’re getting the best deal and providing you with better value. However, like last time, because we’ll be buying energy directly from the energy market, we can’t comply with the consultation process set out in section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 and the associated Regulations. That is because the best prices only remain available for a short period, usually just a few hours, and so we are unable to consult ahead of securing those deals. So, we have made another application to the Tribunal for dispensation from those requirements for new energy contracts that we intend to enter into later this year.
Good news – Energy contract 2021
After receiving dispensation for the April 2021 contracts Clarion were able to act on the advice and insight from our broker, in terms of an effective energy procurement trading strategy, Clarion were able to contract a capped rate which has helped protect our customer during the recent unpredictable market.
This has helped hundreds of Clarion’s households, particularly during the challenging time in the energy market as prices soared and protected customer from approximately £50 million of price rises.
Tribunal decision
We have submitted an application to the Tribunal for dispensation for the proposed communal energy contracts
The Tribunal has now made its Decision on 15 October 2024, which can be found below. The document contains information about appeal rights:
Tribunal's decision 15 October 2024
For more information please find the tribunal directions documents below:
Take a look at the documents we’ve provided in support of our application:

We have submitted an application to the Tribunal for dispensation from consultation on the proposed communal energy contracts. As part of this application, we have a duty to provide affected leaseholders and tenants with copies of the relevant documents relating to this process and to inform you of your right to support or oppose the application.
Take a look at the documents we’ve provided in support of our application:
The Tribunal has set the following directions which confirm how our application will be dealt with; as the application progresses we will add to this list of documents, including the outcome when the Tribunal has reached its decision:
This doesn’t affect who provides domestic energy for your home (unless you are part of a heat network – see the Frequently Asked Questions below “What is a heat network?” and “What if I don’t want to change my home supplier?”). This proposal will only affect who supplies energy to areas outside of your home, so any arrangements you’ve made with any energy supplier will continue as normal.
This isn’t just a decision we’re making for our customers. The energy deals will also apply to our offices too, helping reduce our costs and provide better value for everyone.
We’ll keep you updated on our progress over the next few weeks as our application progresses with the Tribunal by adding additional documents to this web page, including the final decision. (The Decision has now been made and you can access the document using the link above, immediately below the heading ‘Tribunal decision’.)
You should email the Tribunal directly to make your own representations using their reply form and attach any statement or copies of any documents you wish to rely on. Please make sure any representations are made in accordance with the Tribunal’s directions.
Please ensure you send our solicitor a copy of all the documents you send to the Tribunal including the reply form either by email to Joanne.Wright@anthonycollins.com or by post to Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP, 134 Edmund Street, Birmingham, B3 2ES, quoting ref: LON/00BB/LDC/2024/0140. Both tenants and leaseholders should use the reply form.
The Tribunal’s address for information is:
First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber)
10 Alfred Place
Email: London.RAP@justice.gov.uk
Please quote application reference: LON/00BB/LDC/2024/0140.
If you’ve got any other questions, take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions below, which should give you the information you need.
If you need more help do contact us:
by telephone on 0300 500 8000
by post by writing to us at: Clarion Housing Group (Communal Energy Team), Reed House, Peachman Way, Broadland Business Park, Norwich, NR7 0WF.